30 Aug 2022

When you click a link and suddenly enter a landing page and then you make a transaction. But, have you ever thought about where the link comes from?
Yes, the link comes from an ad that a business owner is running to get you, targeted for customers to recognize their product. These ads can be in images or videos that are made as attractive, creative and informative, but not too lengthy as possible, so the customer is interested and then takes an action.
Okay, before we talk about advertising, this is the first thing you should learn before running a business.
Marketing Funnels

Have you ever heard of marketing funnels? How does it work? How much influence does it have on business?
Marketing funnel is a step-by-step tool to guide prospective consumers through customer journeys. These funnels help marketing teams plan and measure interest, engagement, and convert leads through content and other marketing materials, which I say at the beginning, landing pages and ads.
Remember, each section of the funnel represents a pivotal moment in your customer’s journey.
- Awareness
This section is the top of the funnel and goes hand in hand with your marketing efforts. At this stage, businesses begin to introduce their business to consumers. In this stage also, businesses can create unique content to get the attention of consumers and they are learning more about your website or social media. - Consideration
Once someone or a customer is aware that you exist, there will be some things that will happen. Now they are considering your product. Many things can happen in this consideration stage, potential customers may try your products or services or they take advantage of your offer. Some businesses offer free trials, but there are some people who are on the cusp of becoming paying customers. - Conversation
This is the stage where you have been working so hard to get attention and consideration from consumers. Conversions happen when a site visitor completes the action you want them to take. Conversions can include purchasing items, registering, or making donations etc. When someone converts, you finally get results. - Activation
The sweetest moment you’re waiting for, when a user reaches for their payment card and makes a purchase/subscribes/books a service. How exciting! The good news, you’ve got a new customer. - Loyalty
When you do your customers well, provide good products, maximum service and provide a memorable experience for them, definitely consumers will give you their loyalty and become loyal customers. I think this is the dream of all businesses. - Advocacy
And now, you touched down on the last stage of the marketing funnel. The power of “Word of Mouth”, when your customers are bringing new customers because they talk on and on about your products and services. In this stage, you can also go a step further and think about another thing that you can do for customers, like treating your VIP customers with special surprises and investing in quality content that will resonate well with your audience and they’d like to share it with their friends.
Hopefully, now you are more active in learning and understand how important it is to know about the marketing funnel in order to produce optimal results and achieve the goals you want.