Performance Insight from Various Industry with CPAS Meta Ads Analysis
Giving hands on more than 700 clients, we’ve been actively helping our clients striving for Twin Date in the last 2 years. Here’s the insights to plan better strategies for 12.12.
“We generate data from a total 70++ curated valid accounts of fashion brands, from apparel, woman fashion, man fashion, sports to shoes brands, beauty brands from beauty services, skincare, makeup, hair care, and fragrances; and lifestyle brands from luxury brands to jewelry, and many more. This data represents brands with stable consistency and amount of advertising cost on Twin Dates from January to November 2022. The accounts we took have fulfilled requirements to be valid on the report.”
Upper Funnel Performance
Playing an important role in the marketing funnel and taking the widest space at the top of the pyramid, we present the analysis of Cost Per Mile (1000 impressions) of the Twin Date. In short, Cost Per Mile (CPM) is a metric used to measure the advertisement per 1000 shown. Moreover, the analysis will be divided into sections of All Industry, Shopee, and Tokopedia as 2 biggest marketplaces in Indonesia. Read below our charts and words of thoughts.
As we know, advertisers race to gain audience’s attention during the Twin Date promotional period, which can lead to a competitive bid for shown ads to the right audience. One of the key metrics to define the effectiveness of your ads distribution is the cost per a thousand impressions (CPM) which indicates how much of your budget is spent to show your ads to the right audience. The cost of CPM during the Twin Date period can range from IDR 8,000 to IDR 25,000 around all industries. The rise of CPM is caused by a higher volume of advertisers during the start of Q3 which create a healthy yet competitive bid to gain audience’s attention. During November that falls within Q4, we reached peak number of CPM with a significant incline of 34.81% compared to the previous month.

*Data twin date all industry – upper funnel performance
Middle Funnel Performance
The part where the seller or marketer looked closely to the dots of customer journey leads to purchase; the middle funnel performance. Other than that, middle funnel performance contains leads nurturing or so called consideration section. This is a clear part where customers are likely interested in the product we sell, but closely doubting or reassuring themselves when or how to purchase. As the name; middle funnel. The nurturing and reappearing process in order to encourage customers to purchase are the most important part to highlight. And so, we present to you the data analysis of Click Through Rate (CTR) and Cost Per Click (CPC) throughout 2022’s Twin Date journey divided into All Industry, Shopee, and Tokopedia sections.
CTR percentage in Meta Ads around the twin date period can fall around 0,78% until 1,52%. Even though the number briefly decreases around the month of October, we see an elevation in audience’s interest to click through the ads around November which indicates a mutual understanding between what the audience want and what content the advertisers can provide in preparation of the third quarter.

*Data twin date all industry – middle funnel performance
Lower Funnel Performance
This is the part we’ve been waiting for, the part we look forward to the most, and the part we usually boldly highlight. Lower Funnel Performance contains the number we desperately want to count. Indeed, the sharp end of the marketing funnel pyramid. Even though this funnel took the smallest space on the pyramid, the pointed end of it remarks some kind of final marketing journey (for a while). This funnel is the decision stage or level whereas customers would closely do the purchase. It sort of explains why Lower Funnel Performance seems as the most important part of the marketing journey. Moreover, for Lower Funnel Performance throughout Twin Dates in 2022, BDD has compiled the data samples in an analysis of Conversion Rate and Return of Ads Spend (ROAS). Each category is further divided into All Industry sections and 2 biggest marketplaces in Indonesia, Shopee and Tokopedia.

*Data twin date all industry – lower funnel performance

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