Performance Insight from Various Industry with CPAS Meta Ads Analysis

Wondering how you can take your marketing strategy for 12.12 in 2022 to the next level? With accurate result measurement of course! We've compiled the data and insights for you, click the download button below to know more.

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Bulletin Program by Boleh Dicoba Digital

After 6 years wrestling the digital marketing industry, we’ve encountered numerous brands from various industries. As your go to Growth Partner, one of our main source of satisfaction is knowing that the brands that walked with us are able to run a long marathon and achieve the desired success. Motivated, we created Bulletin Program to help business owners better understand the business climate in each industry during certain period.

Our Bulletin

Giving hands on more than 700 clients, Boleh Dicoba Digital has been actively participating on helping our clients striving Twin Date in the last 2 years. We crave to give insights to these business owners so that they can plan future strategies for their business.

TWIN DATE, Performance Insight from Various Industry with CPAS Meta Ads Analysis

Twin date has been growing to hottest trend in Indonesian e-commerce world, surely became the most-waited online by customer and seller. One visible problem for the seller is that this trend might not be captured well by these business owners. Seeing this dilemma, BDD wants to share our findings in a form of data driven reports from real data we compiled. This report can be a recommendation on business planning especially on e-commerce ocean. More effectively, it’s hopefully going to be applicable for all business owners in Indonesia.

Our Client

Along with 700+ clients, we have collaborated with many SMEs and corporate business.